What are your dreams for rural healthcare? How do you touch lives? Are you trying to find a way to make a difference locally? What will be your legacy?
The Foundation gratefully accepts legacy gifts such as bequests, gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts and other planned gifts. For more information about planned giving, please contact Kim South at ksouth@gordonmemorial.org
We would love to partner with you in making a difference right here in our rural community. Consider partnering with Gordon Memorial Hospital Foundation and create your legacy. Together we can make a difference in the lives of those we support.
Making a gift through your will provides you with control of your assets throughout your lifetime and becomes an ultimate gift to benefit Gordon Memorial Health Services. Consider naming the Gordon Memorial Hospital Foundation to receive a certain amount, percentage or to receive the “residue” of your estate. There are no immediate tax advantages although a bequest may reduce estate taxes if applicable.
Below is the wording to use including a charitable bequest for Gordon Memorial Health Services:
“I give and bequeath [specific amount, percentage or residue of the estate] to Gordon Memorial Hospital Foundation, a non-profit organization organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nebraska and having an office at Gordon Memorial Health Services in Gordon, Nebraska, for its general purposes. All charitable gifts, bequests and devises should be made to the extent possible from assets that constitute income in respect of a decedent as that term is defined in the Internal Revenue Code.”
Retirement Plans
A tax-deferred retirement plan [IRA, 401(k), 403(b), Keogh, etc.] is an excellent way to provide for retirement years, and reflects wise financial planning. However, much of the remaining principal value can be highly taxed upon death when a natural heir or other person is named as a beneficiary. Donors who select Gordon Memorial Hospital Foundation as the beneficiary avoid those taxes, and can leave other, lower-taxed assets to family members. Your plan administrator can provide the beneficiary designation forms needed.
U.S. Savings Bonds
Bonds are ideal assets to bequeath to Gordon Memorial Hospital Foundation because, like qualified retirement plans, they are subject to income taxes in the hands of those who inherit them—unless they are given to charity. As a non-profit organization we can greatly benefit from them.
Life Insurance
You don’t need a large estate to make a significant gift. A current or new life insurance policy can be an ideal asset for funding a charitable gift. There are several options you can consider:
●Name Gordon Memorial Hospital Foundation as the beneficiary
Naming Gordon Memorial Hospital Foundation as the primary or contingent beneficiary of a life insurance policy is easy to do. Simply request a beneficiary designation form from your life insurance company and name Gordon Memorial Hospital Foundation as the beneficiary. If, in the future, your personal or family needs change, you can always replace the named beneficiary with a new one.
●Transfer ownership of an existing policy to Gordon Memorial Hospital Foundation
You may have a life insurance policy that you simply no longer have a need for. If you have paid all premiums owed (a paid-up policy), or you’ve paid all premiums due and more will be owed in the future (a partially paid-up policy), you might consider transferring ownership of the policy to the Gordon Memorial Hospital Foundation.
If you make Gordon Memorial Hospital Foundation the owner, you can claim a charitable income tax deduction. The deduction will be equal to the policy’s replacement value or its basis, whichever is less.
●Make the gift of a new policy to Gordon Memorial Hospital Foundation.
Another option to consider is taking out a new policy making the Gordon Memorial Hospital Foundation the policy owner and beneficiary. Your annual gifts to Gordon Memorial Hospital Foundation will be applied to premium payments and will entitle you to charitable income tax deductions for those gifts