Surgical Services
At Gordon Memorial Hospital, your health is always our top priority. We understand that having surgery can be a tough decision. Gordon Memorial Hospital is honored to offer personalized care with precision technology, close to home.
Gordon Memorial Hospital offers a wide range of outpatient surgeries using advanced, innovative technology while maintaining the highest standards in surgical procedures.
Gordon Memorial Hospital offers a wide range of outpatient surgeries using advanced, innovative technology while maintaining the highest standards in surgical procedures.

Surgcal Services Available
- Hernia repairs
- Gall Bladder/ Gall Stone Removals
- Endoscopy
- Colonoscopy
- Cataract Removal
- Blepharoplasty
Surgery performed with AccuracyPrecisionCareInnovationCompassionExcellencefrom the start!
Exciting News!
Gordon Memorial Hospital is upgrading the current video/camera technology with a top-of-line system that is capable of working flawlessly with different specialties.
The Stryker system provides surgeons with 4k image quality as well as fluorescent imaging technology that allows surgeons to accurately detect anatomical features in a more efficient and safe manner. With a fiber optic light system and high-definition digital video/image capture and printer system, the Stryker system is an incredible asset to the Gordon Memorial Surgical Department.

Contact Us
- 300 E 8th St
Gordon, NE, United States - +1-308-282-0401